
Dorset Museum started collecting photographs late in the 19th century. Images in the archive date from the earliest days of photography to today. Around 50,000 prints, 20,000 negatives, 12,000 slides and 5,000 glass plates in the collection give us insights into lifestyles, occupations and traditions around the region over time.  Significant photographers featured in the archive include Harry Pouncy, Francis Frith and Charles Cornish-Browne.

Important Announcement

The lift in the Museum is currently out of action.
We hope to resolve this very soon and apologies for the inconvenience.

Thatching at Grove House


May 15, 2021

Thatching at Grove House

Taken by M. H. Ouseley…

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015_Legg of Loders thatching at Grove House


May 15, 2021

Thatching at Grove House

Taken by M. H. Ouseley…

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Thatching at Grove House


May 15, 2021

Thatching at Grove House

Taken by M. H. Ouseley…

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Mr. Legg of Shipton thatching a rick at Bredy Farm


May 15, 2021

Thatching a rick a rick at Bredy Farm

Taken by M. H. Ouseley…

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023_Milking time at Herrison Dairy


May 12, 2021

Milking time at Herrison Dairy

Taken L. Frisby…

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022_Edgar Hawkins milking


May 12, 2021

Edgar Hawkins milking at Burton Bradstock

Taken by M.H. Ouseley…

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021_Heads up!


May 12, 2021

Drink More Milk or from Producer to Consumer


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020_Cary and Grimsdell Milk Factory, Litton Cheney


May 12, 2021

Carey & Grimsdell butter factory, Dorchester

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019_Collecting milk from Manor Farm, Burton Bradstock


May 12, 2021

Collecting milk from Manor Farm, Burton Bradstock

Taken by by M.H. Ouseley…

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