Community Projects

Important Announcement

The lift in the Museum is currently out of action.
We hope to resolve this very soon and apologies for the inconvenience.

Awakened by Frink


November 19, 2023

Awakened by Frink Project

Awakened by Frink is a community-curated exhibition of artwork by members of the Dorset Deaf Activities Group created during a series of workshops at Dorset…

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Museum Pieces


September 27, 2023

Moments in Time performed by Movers & Shakers

Movers & Shakers is a Dorchester-based community dance group of older women, established in 2012. We value the artistic, social and mental health benefits of…

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June 17, 2022

Community Quilt Making Project

We are currently undertaking a community quilt project in relation to Antje Rook’s “A virus a day” quilt which was on display in the community…

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